Blank Point

Rated: R
Director: Xiao- Yen Wang     Producer: Xiao- Yen Wang
Length: 74 min

filmmaker on siteThursday: 12:00pm – Hendricks Art Center 1  Buy Tickets

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Website: The Beijing-San Francisco Film Group

The Blank Point – what is transsexualism?

The Blank Point is a personal view of the fragilities of transsexualism, that of a woman from China where transsexualism is unknown and unimaginable. To Xiao-Yen Wang, the filmmaker, the concept of gender change is the miracle of Western medicine, an advance that blurs our most fundamental precept that men are men and women are women.

The Blank Point focuses on two male-to-female transsexuals and one female-to-male transsexual who talk about their psychological and physical changes during their transition. They talk about adjusting to a new identity, about family and societal rejection, about their sexuality, hopes and feelings.

In The Blank Point, Xiao-Yen Wang retraces her footsteps in trying to understand transsexualism, starting with her initial bewilderment. The film is framed within her thoughts, pulling the audience from one very small view into a broader reality.

Transsexualism’s delicate complexities evaporate when they’re not approached openly, with a strong curiosity; it’s a world of private choices and difficult emotions not discernible on the surface. When stereotypes are realized as misconceptions, when a people’s reality is recognized as it actually is, it broadens our understanding of human nature. The Blank Point seeks to make a hidden reality understandable to a general audience, to bring out the inner experience of transsexuals.

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