BIFF CLASSROOM Adds New Help Yourself Films Programs

No tickets required for this FREE screening.

Sunday March 4, 2018 — 2:30 PM
Schubert’s Luxury 10 Theater
2799 Cranston Rd. Beloit


BIFF CLASSROOM Adds New Help Yourself Films Programs

BIFF Classroom

BIFF Classroom is the Beloit International Film Festival program designed to attract young, critical audiences to the world of film.

Kids FirstSince BIFF’s inception, KIDS@BIFF has brought thousands of elementary school-aged children to share their ideas about films and to learn how to look at media critically.

Once again this year, working with KIDS FIRST, a program of the Coalition for Quality Children’s Media, Kids@BIFF will engage area fifth graders in discussions of quality film.

Some 850 students from Beloit and South Beloit will participate this year as they share their critiques and watch films in school and in a special program at Luxury 10 Cinema the week before BIFF.

Help Yourself Films

An addition to the BIFF Classroom program this year will be Help Yourself Films.  Help Yourself Films is a partnership with the Beloit College Help Yourself program, a community outreach initiative for low-income, minority, marginalized and under-represented youth,12-18, in the Greater Beloit area.

Regina Hendrix | Help Yourself, Beloit CollegeJoe Bookman | Media Studies, Beloit CollegeThe new initiative has been designed in consultation with Help Yourself Director Regina Hendrix and Beloit College Professor of Media Studies Joe Bookman. In December, students engaged in discussions and activities designed to help them plan their film projects. Using cameras provided by Beloit College and smartphones, students were taught basic filmmaking skills and concepts.

Students will then be directed to use these skills to capture the story of Beloit as if they were aliens who had crash landed on planet Earth and were trying to determine where they were. The goal of the activity is for them to gain appreciation for and pride in where they come from.

Student Screening

Saturday March 3rd.
2:30 pm
Beloit Public Library
FREE, Open to the public

Damien Patrik | BIFF ClassroomThey will have further opportunities to learn about their storytelling abilities during BIFF2018 when they will meet with and discuss their work with director, producer and award winning BIFF Artist-in-Residence, Damien Patrik. They will then share their cinematic visions with the public at a special BIFF screening.

BIFF Classroom 2018

5th grade students from Aldrich, Cunningham, Fruzen and McNeel Intermediate Schools.

For the tenth straight year BIFF, in partnership with Kristy Champion and the School District of Beloit, presented its annual Kids@BIFF field trips on February 14 & 15 at Schubert’s Luxury 10 Theater in Beloit.

5th Grade students from area middle schools assembled to watch short films and learn critical thinking skills as they became official BIFF film critics for a day. Approximately 1000 students took part in this year’s program.


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BIFF - Beloit International Film Festival
BIFF | Beloit International Film Festival