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Bolgrien, Koepke, Kimes & Livingston, LLC.
2019 BIFFY Award Winners! | Beloit International Film Festival - Peer Canvas

Our BIFF 2019 Honorary Chair

Tommy Hankins

Tom, or Tommy as he is affectionately known to his many friends, has operated Suds O’Hanahan’s Irish Pub in downtown Beloit for more than twenty years. Opening any business downtown was something of a risk back then as the renaissance that would transform Beloit was still a few years away. Tommy’s foresight in locating this popular pub in the heart of Beloit’s business district helped launch that revival and it’s a credit to his vision that Suds O’Hanahan’s endures.

The Providers

Directed by Laura Green & Anna Moot-Levin

The BIFF 2019
Power of Film Award

After that first BIFF event in 2006 we realized that we had unleashed something truly significant. As you well know, film can be a potent force. It can make people laugh, it can make people cry. It can touch them deep inside and make them look at the world in a whole new light.

As its name suggests, this award was created to spotlight that awesome power. It is given to a film that shares with the world a powerful, life-changing message. The winner this year absolutely fits this description.

Award Winners 2019 | Beloit International Film Festival
The Providers posters | Laura Green & Anna Moot Levin, Directors

Guest Artist

Directed by Timothy Busfield

Best Narrative Feature

Award Winners 2019 | Beloit International Film Festival
Guest Artist | Tim Busfield, Director


Directed by Aaron & Amanda Kopp

Best Documentary Feature

Award Winners 2019 | Beloit International Film Festival
LIYANA Movie Poster

One Small Step

Directed by Bobby Pontillas & Andrew Chesworth

Best Narrative Short

One Small Step Poster

No Friends but the Mountains

Directed by Jozef Devillé

Best Documentary Short


No Friends But The Mountains

The Hello Girls

Directed by James William Theres

BIFF Year ‘Round
People’s Choice Award

For weeks throughout the year, our film audience gathers to pre-view and review selected BIFF-eligible films. Together they select a winner before BIFF even starts.

Hello Girls Movie Poster

BIFF Year ‘Round

Sponsored by:

Stateline Community Foundation

Last Call

Directed by Gavin Michael Booth

Josh Burton Award
For Creative Excellence

A very special friend of BIFF was Josh Burton, who we lost in 2007. As a professional actor, Josh had a successful career on Broadway but returned home to become a driving force in the Greater Beloit arts community. He entertained countless local audiences both as an actor and as a producer as he helped create a professional summer theater company in residence at Beloit College.

In that spirit, the Josh Burton Award acknowledges a film deserving of recognition for bringing something truly special to the stage, or in this case, the screen.

Award Winners 2019 | Beloit International Film Festival
Last Call | Gavin Michael Booth, Director


Directed by Jamie Patterson

Executive Director’s Award

Award Winners 2019 | Beloit International Film Festival
Tracks Movie Poster | Jamie Patterson, Director

Silver Lake

Directed by Sean McGinly

Artistic Director Award

Award Winners 2019 | Beloit International Film Festival
Silver Lake Movie Poster | Sean McGinly, Director

Wisconsin/Illinois Showdown

Lake Michigan Monster

Directed by Ryland Tewsw

Best Wisconsin Feature

Award Winners 2019 | Beloit International Film Festival
Lake Michigan Monster Movie Poster | Ryland Tews, Director


Directed by Melissa & Jimmy Boratyn

Best Illinois Feature

Award Winners 2019 | Beloit International Film Festival
Ginger Film Poster | Melissa, Jimmy Boratyn

Grandpa’s Getaways

Directed by Kristin Holodak

Best Wisconsin Short

Award Winners 2019 | Beloit International Film Festival
Grandpa's Getaways


Directed by Ben Gustafson

Best Illinois Short

Award Winners 2019 | Beloit International Film Festival
Seared Poster

BIFFY Awards Night

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Peer Canvas Photography and Video
BIFF - Beloit International Film Festival
BIFF | Beloit International Film Festival