News Release
BIFF Classic Film 2020
The Princess Bride
BIFF Classic Film 2020
The Princess Bride
The BIFF Classic Film event annually closes BIFF on a high note. Made possible—and made free– by First National Bank and Trust Company, it is always a sellout.
First National Bank customers have selected The Princess Bride as this year’s Classic Film. It will be screened at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 1 and will mark BIFF’s return to The Eclipse Event Center in Beloit.
This 1987 American fantasy adventure comedy film was directed by Rob Reiner and stars Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin, Robin Wright and other favorites like Fred Savage and Andre the Giant. It tells the story of a farmhand named Westley, accompanied by companions befriended along the way, who must rescue his true love Princess Buttercup from the odious Prince Humperdinck. It is presented as a a book being read by a grandfather to his sick grandson. The film is rated PG.
First National Bank and Trust Company has been a proud sponsor of BIFF for all of the festival’s 15 years, providing important financial support and helping BIFF bring some of the best films the world has ever known to Beloit screens.
And one of the best parts about this event is that it’s FREE! This is a great opportunity to bring family and friends of all ages to the the spacious and comfortable Eclipse Center (3 Eclipse Center in Beloit) for an afternoon of cost-effective cinematic enjoyment.
If you need additional assistance with ticket purchases:
Ana Kelly
Pre-festival box office
IronTek complex, 635 3rd St. Beloit
During normal business hours
The Beloit International Film Festival this year marks its 15th season as the region’s major international cultural event. BIFF is sponsored by the Hendricks Family Foundation and Visit Beloit in association with Beloit College. Support for the Festival comes from area businesses and civic organizations, and the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts. Critical individual support for BIFF is provided through gifts and membership in the BIFF Founders and the Film Society of Beloit.
The BIFF Classic Film event annually closes BIFF on a high note. Made possible—and made free– by First National Bank and Trust Company, it is always a sellout.
First National Bank customers have selected The Princess Bride as this year’s Classic Film. It will be screened at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 1 and will mark BIFF’s return to The Eclipse Event Center in Beloit.
This 1987 American fantasy adventure comedy film was directed by Rob Reiner and stars Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin, Robin Wright and other favorites like Fred Savage and Andre the Giant. It tells the story of a farmhand named Westley, accompanied by companions befriended along the way, who must rescue his true love Princess Buttercup from the odious Prince Humperdinck. It is presented as a a book being read by a grandfather to his sick grandson. The film is rated PG.
First National Bank and Trust Company has been a proud sponsor of BIFF for all of the festival’s 15 years, providing important financial support and helping BIFF bring some of the best films the world has ever known to Beloit screens.
And one of the best parts about this event is that it’s FREE! This is a great opportunity to bring family and friends of all ages to the the spacious and comfortable Eclipse Center (3 Eclipse Center in Beloit) for an afternoon of cost-effective cinematic enjoyment.
If you need additional assistance with ticket purchases:
Ana Kelly
Pre-festival box office
IronTek complex, 635 3rd St. Beloit
During normal business hours
The Beloit International Film Festival this year marks its 15th season as the region’s major international cultural event. BIFF is sponsored by the Hendricks Family Foundation and Visit Beloit in association with Beloit College. Support for the Festival comes from area businesses and civic organizations, and the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts. Critical individual support for BIFF is provided through gifts and membership in the BIFF Founders and the Film Society of Beloit.