Short Slot 1

Tickets go on sale on Friday, February 19th


Thu Feb 27, 2020 – 7:30 pm | Hendricks Arts Center
Sat Feb 29, 2020 – 12:00 pm | La Casa Grande

Cargo – Der Transport

Directed by Christina Tournatzésr
Narrative Short
Germany | 15 min | 2019

On August 26th, 2015 a convoy of human smugglers lets 71 refugees packed in a truck suffocate to death. At dawn smugglers load 71 people from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran onto a truck to drive them from Hungary to Germany. During the journey, the refugees start knocking and screaming for help. The truck driver faces a dilemma. He hears the people scream and beg for help but receives an order to not open the doors to the cargo area. Over the phone he is pressured by his boss to finish the transport at any cost. The true story happened in August 2015 in Hungary and Austria. Based on the published cell phone protocols of the smugglers, whose phones were being monitored by the Hungarian Government, it gives a shocking insight into a organized smugglers Network in Europe.

Cargo - Der Transport - Poster

Signing on to direct this film was an easy “yes” for me. The team behind this female written, directed, and produced short film set out to create a story on screen that reflects the diverse world we live in, while staying true to our comedic roots. The comedic timing each performer brought to set was just *chef’s kiss.* And we are proud our cast and crew represent a variety of individual backgrounds, including African American, Middle Eastern, LGBTQ, Latinx, and Asian.

Cargo - Der Transport - Christina TournatzésChristina Tournatzés

Christina Tournatzés studied film and television in Munich. She has been directing short documentaries and fiction shorts since 2015.
The short film “Cargo” (2019) is her Thesis Movie.
2019 CARGO (14:59 min, fiction, short, graduation film) 2017
social spot, film school project)
WENN ICH MAL GROSS BIN (00:30 min, fiction,
2015 HELLO BROOKLYN (10:00 min, documetary, short, film school project) 2014 MARY JAIL (07:00 min, fiction, short, film school project)

Film Information

Director: Christina Tournatzés
Country: USA
Year: 2019
Language: Arabic, Bulgarian, English
Runtime: 15 min.
Rated: PG-13


Writers: Christina Tournatzés
Producer: Matthias Nerlich, Felix Parson, Patricia D’Intino, Leo Pintér
Director of Photography:  Alexander Gruber
Editor: Ursula Ambach
Art Direction: Annalena Schwarz

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Principal Cast

BIFF - Beloit International Film Festival
BIFF | Beloit International Film Festival