Fri Feb 22, 2019 – 5:00 pm | Bagels & More
Tue Feb 26, 2019 – 5:30 pm | Hendricks Arts Center

Haze: It’s Complicated

Directed by Isaac Kerlow
Singapore | 70 min | 2010

The burning of the peat forests throughout tropical Southeast Asia creates significant haze pollution that poses significant challenges to human health and the economies of the region. A government-sponsored transmigration program fueled the boom of oil palm farming and local minorities were displaced. Scientists, government officials, local farmers and displaced minorities present their conflicting points of view

Haze, It's Complicated - Isaac KerlowIssac Kerlow
Director, Writer

Isaac Kerlow (Director, HAZE) is an independent filmmaker, artist and writer who has lived in Asia for over 10 years. Many of his recent projects are inspired by natural hazards or man‐made disasters, including CHANGE (2016) about anthropogenic change, SHADOWS (2014) a magic realism tale about the struggle to preserve the rain forests, and Sudden Nature (2011) a film that portrays the relation between humans and Earth as a young romance.

Haze, It's Complicated - Poster

Film Information

Director: Isaac Kerlow
Country: Singapore
Year: 2018
Language:  English/Indonesian
Runtime:  70 min
Rated:  PG


Writers: Isaac Kerlow
Producer: Isaac Kerlow
Key Cast: Charles Harvey, Alexander Cobb, Haris Gunawan, Ang Boon, Mikinori Kuwata, Erik Velasco, Rudi Syaf, Rukaiyah Rafi, Syahrial, Asnan, Muhammad Nur, Ridhuan, Bastori, Rizal, Suherman, Kudung, Gunawan, H. Arnedi, M. Jamaluddin, Pawito Saring

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