BIFF - Beloit International Film Festival

Sun Feb 27, 2022 – 5:00 pm | Domenico’s #1
Sat Mar 5, 2022 – 2:30 pm | Domenico’s #1

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Ian, A Moving Story

Directed by Abel Goldfarb
Narrative Short
Argentina | 9 min | 2019

Ian was born with cerebral palsy. Like all kids, he wants to have friends, but discrimination and bullying keep him from his beloved playground. Ian won’t give up easily, accomplishing something that will surprise everyone.

For what looks like a lot of whimsy on screen was one of the single most difficult and complex productions I’ve ever helmed. With dozens of locations, practical and visual effects, as well as the worst run of luck ever with weather in Los Angeles made for purely miserable shooting conditions. But for all the struggle it is still one the best films I had the pleasure to be involved in. I learned a valuable lesson on this production, a film is not made by one person, most of my crews to this point had been very small productions even my feature “Farewell Darkness” never had more than 25-30 people on set at any one time, IWHD had over 100 on the day we filmed the climax and everyone of them had a job to do and did it well they did.

Ian, A Moving Story - Poster

Ian, A Moving Story- Abel GoldfarbAbel Goldfarb

ABEL GOLDFARB (Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA, 1979). Estudió Dirección de cine en la Universidad del Cine (FUC), se especializó en dirección de fotografía en el S.I.C.A y montaje con cursos independientes. Sus trabajos en cine (largos y cortometrajes) recorrieron los festivales del mundo. En 2010, ingresó al mundo de la animación de la mano de Juan José Campanella y desde entonces trabaja en su estudio de animación, MUNDOLOCO CGI, creadores de la multipremiada METEGOL (Goya, NY Children’s Festival, entre otros). Es profesor de cine y hace 14 años da clases en ORT.

ABEL GOLDFARB (Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA, 1979). He studied Film Direction at the prestigious University of Cinema (FUC) in BA. At 17, he won his first screenplay contest. Since 2010 he works with Oscar winner Juan José Campanella and since 2004 he’s a lecturer at ORT.

Film Information

Director: Abel Goldfarb
Country: Argentina
Year: 2019
Language: N/A
Runtime: 9 min.
Rated: G


Writer: Gaston Gorali
Producer: Mundoloco, Gaston Gorali, Laura Plasencia
Cinematographer: Juan Elias
Editor: Abel Goldfarb
Music: Pablo Borghi
Animation: Pablo Lorenzo

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