YES! Filmmaker(s) Attending for Q & A
Directed by Fèlix Colomer
Feature Documentary
Spain | 94 min | 2018
Manuel Barbero, father of a sexual abuse victim, and Joaquín Benítez, the paedophile who abused of the son of Manuel and 20 more kids, are the main characters of this documentary. The director of the film approaches these key figures of this story with a journalistic investigation work. For the first time in a documentary a paedophile speaks and confesses with his face uncovered.
Fèlix Colomer
FÈLIX COLOMER (Sabadell, SPAIN, 1993). He studied cinema at ESCAC (Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya), where he specialized in the editing field. “Sasha”, a feature-lenght film documentary, was his first film as a director, produced as the final project of his degree, and it won a Special Mention at Seminci (Spain) and participated in many festivals around the world. “Shootball” is his second documentary. He has edited documentaries such as “Peret i l’origen de la rumba” and “Et toca a tu”. He is also member of the editing team in “El Rey de la Habana”, by Agustí Villarongam and “No quiero perderte nunca”, by Alejo Levis.