Posted – Jan 1, 2012
It’s a new year and we’re proud to debut the new BIFF website for the 2012 season.
Welcome! C’mon in. Look around. Check us out.
Here is where you’ll find everything you need to know about this years Beloit International Film Festival. We’ll be updating the site continually as we get closer to this years event Feb 16-19. For instance there are MANY new and truly exciting program additions we think you’ll enjoy. These will allow us to welcome an expanding audience to all that BIFF and our community has to offer.
Now in our seventh year BIFF has continued to grow in stature within the community of independent film festivals. We’re able to attract and present to you ever higher quality and competitively sought after independent films. We’ve made capital improvements to improve the film presentation and the list goes on and on. There’s more to tell you than we’ll take time to introduce to you here and now. So revisit the site to see the full detail on updates. “Like” our Facebook page (do it now) so you can get the updates as they’re happening.
There are many individuals and company representatives, serving mostly behind the scenes that make BIFF happen for you. Volunteers. Many are providing in-kind services. Many are outright financial sponsors. All are needed and appreciated to pull this all together to make it the wonderful event that it is. In the days and weeks ahead you’ll be hearing from some of these individuals as they introduce various aspects and program expansions to BIFF 2012.
For our part, a website such as this and the information presented for you is an organic, evolving proposition. It will always be a work in progress as events and news unfolds, up to, through and even past the event. As such you’ll bump into a wart here, an oops there. We’re keenly interested in making it as fun, informative, fun, accurate and fun as possible. So, if you see something amiss, just let us know. If something is unclear, let us know. You can reach us here.
So, welcome! We look forward to bumping into you at one of this years events and/or film venues. Say hi.
Now… Stay tuned, you’ll be hearing from others soon on some of the exciting things we have in store for you. We think you’ll be as excited about BIFF 2012 as we are.
BIFF Webmasters