Kids @ BIFF
The Beloit International Film Festival, in partnership with Kid’s First, is presenting film-critiquing workshops with area 5th grade students.
Students will join us at the Eclipse Center in Beloit to learn about reviewing films in an effort to develop more educated and discerning film viewers in our area youth. Our goal is to enhance the students’ enjoyment and understanding of film media and give them a skill they can continue to develop and enjoy the rest of their film viewing lives.
Presented by: The Neese Family Foundation, The Beloit Foundation, Fairbanks Morse, Kids First!
What They’ll Experience
When the students arrive at the Eclipse Center, the various facilitators, trained by Kids First, begin by reviewing the major components of a film. Topics such as character development, sets music, costumes and much more are discussed to help prepare the students for their reviews. Also, the importance of why films are reviewed and how film makers use the information is covered.
We then watch a selection of short films that provide a variety of styles and content so students can see how the different components are used to make a film. The films are most likely productions the students will not have seen before. After the viewing is completed, the students pick the film they want to review most and complete a worksheet review. After the reviews are completed, there will be discussion about the films and group participation activities to allow the students to interact and share their reviews with others.
Thank You!
We thank Kids First for their partnership and support in helping us present these workshops, providing materials and putting the completed reviews into the hands of the film makers. And, we thank all the teachers and parents that allow us some time with their precious film viewers.
In-School Screenings
During the 2014 Beloit International Film Festival, festival organizers and area educators will present exceptionally educational films in the middle schools and high schools in Beloit, Wisconsin. The 2014 festival has particularly enlightening documentaries. Screening these films will show area youth new parts of the world and great independent cinema.
Along with these screenings, the Beloit International Film Festival will provide an engaging talk-back about the films with supporting curriculum packets for the students to take home and research further.
If you are an educator that would like to be included in this program, please contact Creative Director Kristin Peterson at with scheduling and further questions.